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\ Real shop /

京都 壬生 新選組 屯所 旧前川邸 様
大変温かいご厚意により、ひとつひとつ大切に製作いたしました「新選組 屯所 旧前川邸」様 限定作品をメインに
お買い求めもできますので、京都 壬生へお越しの際は是非お立寄りください
営業 毎週土曜・日曜、祝日
新選組 屯所 旧前川邸 公式サイト
※作品について等のお問合せやご不明な点は、Sisiya site内 Contactよりお問合せください
The former residence of Maekawa, the Shinsengumi Tonsyo in Mibu Kyoto
Thanks to their kindness, they sell my works which I carefully produced one by one, mainly on the limited works of the former residence of Maekawa, the Shinsengumi Tonsyo.
Please drop in when you come to Mibu, Kyoto.
Open every Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays from 10am to 5pm
* The house is not open to the public
The former residence of Maekawa, the Shinsengumi Tonsyo Official site
Thank you very much to Mr. Tano and all the staff.
* If you have any questions or inquiries about my works, please contact me from "Contact" on the Sisiya site.
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