\ About Sisiya brand /
Sisiya について
とにもかくにも、敬愛している方々をモチーフにするのですから、これは大切に作らない訳にはいきません !
In 1999,I met the history of the end of the Edo period, and became interested in it. Then I visited historic sites, and the image spread while feeling the afterglow of that time, and I was touched each time.
I can't help but make my works carefully, because the motif is the people I admire!
All my works are humbly made with respect to them.
I direct the production by myself, in order to design and shape what I can imagine, based on carefully handmade one by one using the materials that I was able to meet.
And I am making while expanding the image, hoping that my works will be one of the wonderful things of the people who got them,
I also hope that through the work, the "circle" between people in Japan and overseas will spread.

Sisiyabonbon について
取り扱うビーズ自体がとても小さな子たちなので、出来上がりがとてもキュートで、それはまさにbonbonです !
そして、私自身が出逢った魅力満載の色とりどりの形のビーズやスパンコール、本当に貴重なヴィンテージビーズ・パーツなどの素材たちも発信していきます !
また、ビーズ以外のステキな素材を使った作品や品物も同時発信していきます !
Cute beads that I met when I was in elementary school.
Even now as an adult, my heart fluttersthe does'nt stop.
The history of beads is much older than you can imagine, and according to one expert, its roots are hundreds of thousands of years ago ...
Beads have a long history, but nowadays, there are so many kinds of beads, including vintage and current beads, and I feel that there are things that are close to miracles that you can meet.
When I make original design accessories using beads, I lose my sense of time and become absorbed in it.
"Sisiya bonbon" was born by adding French "bonbon" = candy to the main brand name "Sisiya".
The beads they handle are very small, so the finished product is very cute and it's just bonbon!
I'm full of hope for what kind of work will be completed in the future.
I'll spread the charms!
And I'll also send out materials such as attractive beads and sequins that I encountered, and very valuable vintage beads and parts!
I would be happy if I could also convey the joy of manufacturing.
I'll also send out works and goods using other wonderful materials at the same time!
Find your favorite accessories that suit your kimono and clothes!
The concept is the same as "Sisiya".
I'm making while expanding the image, hoping that my works will be one of the wonderful things of the people who got them,
I also hope that through the work, the "circle" between people in Japan and overseas will spread.
* "Sisiya bonbon" is another section in "Sisiya".